Vegetarians Have More Fun!

Indeed, vegetarians have more fun! When I posed a question What do you think of vegetarians? in the Discussion segment in Blogcatalog, it generated more than a hundred responses. There are meat eaters and vegetarians, each giving their thoughts. Some just care about the taste, saying that meat is delicious and is more suitable for barbecues and so on and so forth which of course, is not wrong and is - well, fun! Being vegetarians however should not just be about the taste or taking care of our cholesterol level since if you eat meat, cutting down your intake may well cause a drop in its level. An old lady whom I met during my pilgrimage to India told me that her doctor had said that her body was the one making all her cholesterol. So, there should be something else about vegetarians...


Anonymous said…
I just added my site to the Blogger's Choice Awards..Perhaps you will vote for my blog - - Have a fabulous weekend!! -himalman :)