Little Talk : A Politician's Take on Corruprion

Not too long ago, a prominent Malaysian politician's comment on the involvenent of non-muslims in giving bribes drew flaks. Nevertherless, a supporter of his has stated that his claim was based on a survey by an unnamed local university which had found that between 2010 and 2014, 88% of 449 people who were convicted of giving bribes were non-Malays. Of these, 57.46% were Chinese, 30.51%  Indians and 12.03% Malays. Malaysia currently has a population of 28.3 million people; 24.6% being Chinese  and 7.3%, Indians. The couple of hundreds of bribe givers undoubtedly tainted the good names of the many millions law-abiding non-muslims. Many according to the politician's supporter bribed to escape penalties under the law, or to speed up decisions by government agencies in relation to bids and tenders. It seems the country is in dire need of good, honest and efficient officers who do not accept bribes and administer efficiently. After all, one can't clap with just one hand. Talking about race here is also definitely out of place. It does not solve the problem of corruption; much less harmony.

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