I remember being in a long journey in New Zealand's South Island once and our bus stopped for us somewhere to visit a lady selling preserved fruits or something. Our guide told us the lady who owned the place was a miserly person and even went to the extent of calling her a witch. Traveling so far and in such a cold weather had then taken its toll on us and I, for one could not help but help myself to the loo there. I remember the loo to be one of the most beautiful I have ever seen. There were rose shrubs outside and the branches creeped on the walls. The best of it all was - it was the end of spring when we visited New Zealand but the roses were still blooming. Could you imagine how beautiful a toilet with roses on the walls could be? Never mind the inside, for most of the time it is the outside that impresses!
Some loos could be attractive on the inside though!

Some loos could be attractive on the inside though!
