Just as Japan scrambled to avert a meltdown at a nuclear plant in Fukushima, US warships and planes helping with relief efforts moved away from the coast for fear of radiation leak. News of the leak had already been circulated frenzily via SMS yesterday. One mesage in my handphone goes: A nuclear power plant in Fukumi, Japan exploded at 4.30 a.m. today. If it rains tomorrow or later, don't go outside. If you are outside, be sure that you have rain protectors. It's acid rain. Don't let it touch you. You may burn your skin, lose your hair or have cancer. Please pass, stay safe and remind everyone you know. Another SMS message says: BBC FLASHNEWS: Japan Govt confirms radiation leak at Fukushima Nuclear plants. Asian countries should take necessary precautions. Remain indoors first 24 hrs. Close doors and windows. Swab neck skin with betadine where thyroid area is. Radiation hits thyroid first. Take extra precaution, radiation may hit philipines starting 4pm today. Never mind that Alpha rays can be stopped by a sheet of paper or Beta rays can be stopped by an aluminium plate and that the thyroid gland is only susceptible to radioactive iodine. We don't know what rays come out of the Japanese reactor and we love our friends and family. Love would get us into a frenzy!