A Streetcar Named Desire

Probably there was once much hype over the late Marlon Brando in his best known role in Stanley Kowalski's Academy Award-winning 1951 movie, A Streetcar called Desire (inset) which also starred the late Vivien Leigh of Gone With Wind fame. There is this other car that an educator talked about that probably could cause as much hype or at least set a sane mind thinking. Never mind what the car is called - just that the owner has taken in two passengers ; never mind too, who they are; just that they are humans. The educator was of the opinion that the passengers have no right or whatsoever to place any demand on the driver; let alone, claim ownership of the car from the driver. Would you suppose then the passengers being human beings, have a right to demand that they are not driven to Hell?

Who looks like an educator and who does not?


Liudmila said…
Doesn't she feel too hot wearing all that clothes? We have +40°C this week -it's unpossible to live even wearing only swimsuite.
footiam said…
That does look hot!