In Malaysia, the Ministry of Health has ordered a school, SMK USJ 12, to be closed for nine days There was much anxiety after a teacher had died and people were speculating that it was due to complications from the Influenza A(H1N1) virus which caused the much dreaded Swine Flu. Nearer home, in Taiping, I have heard of someone in Batu Kurau dying and another unkind rumour had it that a doctor in a local private hospital had passed away after contracting the disease from his patient. The rumour turned out to be false. Rumour mongers, I suppose are never of much help in this type of situation or in any situation at all. Some people here have also started to wear masks in the streets. An e-mail I received said that this does not really help as the virus is not air-borned and any bacteria or virus that ended up in the mask will breed because of the moisture and warmth and thus cause more havoc. Anyway, if the masks help, it's high time then to realize the importance of veils...
Veil! Veil!
Veil! Veil!