Someone sent me this photo with the caption: Obama sent his family members to USA. It may sound funny but on a serious note- Doesn't that imply that Obama Barrack is black? No doubt it has been touted that Obama is the first black to be elected President in USA, the fact is he is either neither Black nor White or he is both black and white. His father, the man from Kenya could be a true Black but his mother, Ann Dunham, even with her mixed English, Irish and German blood should be considered white if not very pure white. Now that Obama has promised that help is coming to those affected by US ailing economy, I can't help but wait to see if those affected he meant are blacks or whites and when he succeeds or fails in his endeavour, I can't wait to see if his success or failure will be attritbuted to his capabilities or to black or white. God created colours for a purpose!
Someone sent me this photo with the caption: Obama sent his family members to USA. It may sound funny but on a serious note- Doesn't that imply that Obama Barrack is black? No doubt it has been touted that Obama is the first black to be elected President in USA, the fact is he is either neither Black nor White or he is both black and white. His father, the man from Kenya could be a true Black but his mother, Ann Dunham, even with her mixed English, Irish and German blood should be considered white if not very pure white. Now that Obama has promised that help is coming to those affected by US ailing economy, I can't help but wait to see if those affected he meant are blacks or whites and when he succeeds or fails in his endeavour, I can't wait to see if his success or failure will be attritbuted to his capabilities or to black or white. God created colours for a purpose!