Eye of God

Someone sent me this photo called The Eye of God, said to have been taken with a Hubble telescope by NASA. It is supposed to be of a rare event that occurs once in 3000 years and it is claimed that it has done miracles in many lives. You supposedly have looked at the eye of God and if you'd make a wish, it is said you will surely see the changes in your life within a day. Have you ever for once then wished that God has not just seen the sufferings and injustices in our world but has also taken some steps to stop them? If you have not, then start wishing now. Wish that there is no war and no refugees. Wish that everyone is healthy and has enough to eat and Perhaps, your wish would make a difference!


Anonymous said…
That's so magnificent! wonderful !!!
footiam said…
It will be wonderful if it is true.
Liudmila said…
And in other 3000 years what does this eye and god? Sleeps?
footiam said…
...zz...zz..zz... I suppose we like that!