A Traveller's Tale: Enjoying the Clouds and Mist

In ancient China, I have heard it said that emperors sat and drank tea under the pavilion in the summer palace after a downpour just to appreciate and enjoy the mist and the wind. Well, in Bukit Larut, minus the pavilion and the tea, you can still do that. Never mind if there are abhorring human structures like a hanging bridge that you don't like, you can just throw your eyes at the distance, and lo, you enjoy! There is joy if you choose to see!

Enjoy the mist in Bukit Larut...

You can have a peep of Taiping town too if you care...

Even the leaveless trees are a delight!

There are joys if you care to see!


fwidman said…
ds like a good experience, enjoying the mist. Although, I'd have to drink coffee since I don't care that much for tea :)
footiam said…
By all means, have your coffee! Enjoy!
Liudmila said…
Ahhh... I don't know if there is something more beautiful as the creations of the nature. As for me, a man could not make anything "natural" (except babies)
footiam said…
Nature is beautiful! Babies are beautiful too
Ely said…
nice aerial view of the city...its as foggy as Baguio.
footiam said…
Baguio should be a very nice place!
Anonymous said…
If im in the situation of the owner of this blog. I dont know how to post this kind of topic. he has a nice idea.