A Traveller's Tale: Scouts in the Mist

Bukit Larut is such a quiet place. If you are taking a stroll in the evening and you happen to hear the swings in the playground swinging and the happy laughter of youngsters ringing in the crisp,cold air, your hairs may start to stand on ends especially if your eyes have from afar actually caught sight of the scouts who are beginning to march in the mist... With the proper setting and an overactive mind, people tend to think of ghosts...and in Bukit Larut, someone would have probably told you already of a British lady who haunts a bungalow there...

Scouts in the mist...


Liudmila said…
I worked many years in educational system but now I see on these photos -and in the real life too- and don't understand how could I do it???? Maybe I became old in my mind.
footiam said…
You have done it! It's life!
Anonymous said…
Thanks to the blog owner. What a blog! nice idea.