A Traveller's Tale: Orb That Glows!

Health writers Cass and Janic Jackson discovered crystals in a psychic fair and was intrigued by their strong healing powers. I discovered them in a Gems of the World exhibition in Genting Highlands. The exhibition had been on since 29 September 2007 at the Genting Hotel Grand Ballroom. Many of the mineral gemstones exhibited were in their purest uncut form and one that intrigued me the most was the massive 3-tonne mineral orb that glows in the dark . Indeed, nature like prophets perform miracles!

Related Post: Joy is going to a crystal exhibition!


Liudmila said…
I saw these orbs in sell too, as "healing orbs". But I could not understand how it works. The sellers did not explain about their use... :(((
footiam said…
If they are crystals, most probably they make sure the chakras work!