Picture for Contemplation

Now, what could be in this building? No prizes for guessing and most probably you'd get the answer right if you'd known that this is Kansas City Library. A year or two ago, there was a local talk show that discussed the death of the reading habit, reading of books in particular. Of course, one of the culprits pinpointed was the Internet. Reading books is said to be good since it stimulates the mind into thinking but isn't that the same as reading articles from the Internet? Now, someone please tell me!


Anonymous said…
Hi there,
I made a post about this interesting post of yours (love the pic)
on my blog: http://www.lunarwhispers.co.uk/blog/
Please post something about
any post on my blog:
if you like. It would be
greatly appreciated.
Richard james
Liudmila said…
I think not internet makes that persons don't read but the price of books. In Italy it's sooo high, that I don't know who could allow them. If I read one 200 pages book in 2-3 days ( and one sometimes if the book is particularly interesting) and I have to pay at least 20 euros for a book, I have to work only for books.
footiam said…
I think if you read the right reading material from the Internet, it is as good as reading a book. Same content, different medium, that's all. I have always thought that the books here in Malaysiaare very expensive compare to say, USA or UK because of the exchange rates and copyrights. Books in India are cheap and Chinese books, if they are pirated, could be cheap too. The government in my country also give tax deduction for buying books up to RM 500.
Liudmila said…
And I type books from the special sites. I can't read from monitor with pleasure.

But if I need information about something, I use internet, because there are more sources and more possibilities even to ask somebody for help.
footiam said…
I like books because you can hold it and take it everywhere but not Internet rules! It is a cheap source of information and it doesn't take up space.