Wordless Wednesday: A still Forest Pool

On a still, forest pool.... contemplate....

Do post a photo in your blog , a photo which makes you contemplate on the fleeting nature of life. What do you think of when you see this still lake, Tasik Dayang Bunting which is actually a popular tourist resort in Pulau Langkawi, Malaysia. The lake itself is in a smaller island, Pulau Dayang Bunting which literally means Island of the Pregnant Maiden. According to locals, women who take a drink of the water in this lake are destined to become pregnant.


Liudmila said…
Interesting thing: humans want to bound every "prominent" thing with a legend. I worked as a tourist guide and our instructors said us to invent as more stories and legends as possible on our way...
Ely said…
nice photos! i am a nature lover myself.
Anonymous said…
nice pictures. I have been there before!
footiam said…
Oh! I love legend. You must invent some for your blog, Liudmila!
footiam said…
Ely,You must post something from your hometown and invite me over!
footiam said…
You didn't invite me, Sean!
Anonymous said…
Fantastic shots! it makes me miss my country:)

happy weekend!
Ely said…
hi footiam. I've been posting photos from my hometown. Try checking my new photoblog litratorama.blogspot.com...Cheers!
footiam said…
Thans Cheh for leaving a message.
Thansk Ely for the invitation. I'll definitely pay a visit.
footiam said…
Pictures always bring back memories, Cheh!