I have always loved Richard Marx’s trademark song, Right here waiting. Lovesick lovers, I suppose would have the patient to wait but not me, honest, unless there is really a good reason to. The other day, I was reading antibarbie’s entry in a blog about how she was left waiting for a childhood friend. They had made an appointment for lunch earlier. Her friend was very enthusiastic about it but later, she just did not turn up without any good reason. She did not phone to cancel the appointment and had left her poor friend waiting such a long wait with her two hyperactive toddlers in tow. I really can identify with antibarbie’s feelings. During my school days, so long ago, I remember a classmate had made a pact with me to wake up early one Saturday so that we could go for a jog together. We were supposed to meet at five in the morning. It was a cold, dark morning and I had waited two lonely hours. Even when the sun had risen, he did not even turn up. I went over to his house and found him sleeping. It seemed that he had changed his mind about our pact and had the cheek to tell me so. No apology, no whatsoever. When such treatment comes from a friend, it hurts terribly. It tantamount to a tight slap on your cheeks from someone you love and for no apparent reason too. Then, you start questioning, Is he or she your friend? While I am friend enough to wait, why isn’t he friend enough not to let you wait?
Hope I could make my own version of that and upload it to YouTube. Haha!