Teachers strike back!

A newspaper in Malaysia reported that the National Union of the Teaching Profession will sue three parents for allegedly making false reports in the media about the misconduct of teachers against students. The action was taken by the union to preserve the image and dignity of the teaching profession in the country from being tarnished by the irresponsible actions of certain parties. The norm nowadays is more of parents dragging the teachers to court. Teachers often shudder when they have to mete out punishments on students. A cut or a bruise will prompt some parents to the school for fresh blood. Parents love their children and would go all out to protect their children. It does not matter or perhaps it does not occur to them that the blood they draw belongs to thechildren of others. Teachers are children of others too, aren’t they? Definitely, their parents love them too and may be hurt just as badly. It is high time that parents of teachers sue back…
