Getting to know the Hibiscus

The bunga raya, scientifically known as Hibiscus rosa-sinensis in Thuan Hee's garden is rather weird.For one thing, the leaves are not as green as the one I am used to. They are in fact red, not as red as the flaming flower it bears but then knowing man's meddlesome nature, I would not be surprised if some smart Aleck had played God and couldn't resist tampering with its genetic code. And now that we had touched on it, here are some interesting facts about the hibiscus...
  • This flower for instance is also known as Chinese hibiscus, China rose or shoe flower.
  • This evergreen shrub is native to East Asia.
  • The flowers are used to shine shoes in parts of India as well as for the worship of Devi.
  • Hibiscus flowers can also be used for hair care.

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