Ah! Desperate Housewives! What a marvelous series! I like the idea of a dead woman narrating the happenings in that neighbourhood. Dead people don't talk but in televisiondom, everything goes and it's rather refreshing to have a dead woman talking! The question now is does Eddie Britt survive the third season? The new poster definitely suggests that she does; so the suspense must have fizzled out for some fans. It's very unlike the time when someone shot JR in yet another of the world's favourite soap, Dallas. The question on every fan's lip then was Who Shot JR? Talking about soaps, one of the all time world favourites must be the one based on Grace Metallious's novel, the haunting black and white Peyton Place which had been aired from 1964 to 1966. My all time favourite, however, will be the one currently aired in Malaysia in ntv7 at 4p.m - the 2002 Hokkien series, My Way. I don't even know the name of the stars but they were really marvelous. The dialogue is good and meaningful, the storyline great and touch a chord here and there... I have got to have my way!
Ah! Desperate Housewives! What a marvelous series! I like the idea of a dead woman narrating the happenings in that neighbourhood. Dead people don't talk but in televisiondom, everything goes and it's rather refreshing to have a dead woman talking! The question now is does Eddie Britt survive the third season? The new poster definitely suggests that she does; so the suspense must have fizzled out for some fans. It's very unlike the time when someone shot JR in yet another of the world's favourite soap, Dallas. The question on every fan's lip then was Who Shot JR? Talking about soaps, one of the all time world favourites must be the one based on Grace Metallious's novel, the haunting black and white Peyton Place which had been aired from 1964 to 1966. My all time favourite, however, will be the one currently aired in Malaysia in ntv7 at 4p.m - the 2002 Hokkien series, My Way. I don't even know the name of the stars but they were really marvelous. The dialogue is good and meaningful, the storyline great and touch a chord here and there... I have got to have my way!