Cellphone users, beware!

A secretary claimed that she had been wrongly accused of harassing her former boyfriend. Someone it seemed, had used her personal details to register a prepaid phone number. Her ex-boyfriend had called to tell her to stop harassing his family and his customers via her cellphone. The secretary then tried to trace the number that was purportedly hers, but when she contacted the telephone company she was told that the number was registered under her name. It seemed that anyone can register a new prepaid number using anyone's personal details. Using someone's else name for one owns malicious intentions is not something new. The colleague of my niece who works in a bank once use my niece's name while chatting to a man in Penang through the internet. She even had the cheek to give away my niece's telephone number. The man had later surprised my niece with a personal call and it dawned on her then to beware of her seemingly docile colleague. I think we should not mind taking time to put such people in garbage bags to be dumped!
