Big Mac without the beef

If you fancy a Big Mac in India, you are in for a dissapointment. Get a Chicken Maharaja Mac instead. Hindu people all over the world do not take beef. If you have Hindu guests coming over, be polite then and do not serve beef.


Sean said…
Your blog is so inspiring.
Is this kinda big mac available in msia too?
ben said…
That looks so yummy~ Too bad cant see it here in M'sia!!!

footiam said…
Of course it is yummy, dear Sean and Ben.Anything made by McDonald's tastes better. It has been demonstrated that advertising can trick your taste buds.Even carrots, milk and apple juice tasted better to the kids when they were wrapped in the familiar packaging of MacDonald.A study had youngsters sample identical McDonald's foods in name-brand and unmarked wrappers and the unmarked foods always lost hand downs!